People Crave The Real Story

Nothing gets the juices going for a great many people than a ‘kiss and tell’ story. High profile, actors, musicians, politicians are hounded by journalists and paparazzi hunting behind the scenes stories, photos and videos.

We some how crave to know the ‘real story.’ It’s the same with reality shows, the out takes at the end of movies, and the ‘making of’ docos.

My take on ‘outtakes and ‘mistakes’ is that we know every one is fallible. Heroes always have flaws, that is part of what makes them a hero. Their journey, through good and bad.

My latest workshop, Busting Boring Bios, is all about building a compelling personal brand.

What are our real stories, warts and all? What are the blunders, and misfortunes as well as the successes and breakthroughs ? Who are we after hours as well as work?

I had the pleasure of speaking at a conference run by a world expert on building profiles in social media, Michael Margolis from Get Storied in New York. Here he talks about how important it is to have a good bio.

In our media savvy and saturated world, light weight, and write by numbers profiles no longer cut it. Everyone says they are ‘passionate’ about something. Everyone has ‘leadership’ skills. The cliches long used in CVs are today are real turn off. To stand out, be who you say you are, and craft the stories of your points of difference are becoming a critical skill in business.

The next Busting Boring Bios workshop is on April 3. To register, email:

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