Stories of Reinvention

Everyone I speak with, young and old, thinks the world is moving faster and faster every day.

I used to think only older people thought that, and when I was young, summers could seem to last forever and my sense of time was different. Who knows? There is undoubtedly some science and definitely some spirituality around about the world speeding up.
But the world has never been still. The planet turns, the moon pulls, and the sun rises and sets. And each day is unique and brand new. Each day is a reinvention.
I am excited to be part of the Reinvention Summit that has been set up out of New York as an international online conference of storytellers. Some of the world’s top experts on storytelling in business, in personal lives and society are speaking. There are a number of really cool things about this summit. One is that you can dip in and of it either live or recorded at any time for ten days from November 11. The second thing is it is being designed as I write by the speakers and the participants, and it is so accessible at $11.11 US for a basic registration. And lastly the greatest thing is the content and the theme, breathing life into building the practice of storytelling, to know and share oneself, and integrate and onlygoingly reinvent one self.
It makes total sense to me, in body mind and spirit that in this fast moving age, we turn to our most ancient form of communication, story. It is time to reinvent and reintegrate ourselves, to build stories that connect the whole of our selves with others.

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